
W. Roseboom, Z. Fountas, K. Nikiforou, D. Bhowmik, M. Shanahan, A. Seth, Activity in perceptual classification networks as a basis for human subjective time perceptionNature Communications 2019, volume 10, Article number: 267 (supplementary Informatiom)
Conference (peer reviewed)
Z. Fountas, K. Nikiforou, D. Bhowmik, M. Shanahan, W. Roseboom, A. Seth, Clockless biologically-plausible architecture for temporal perception using convolutional neural networks Annual Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience 2017, pp. ??.
Z. Fountas, P. Mediano, D. Bhowmik, "Brain Studio: A practical highperformance tool to design and simulate spiking neural networks", Neuroscience 2016, San Diego, USA, 12-16 November 2016
D Bhowmik, K Nikiforou, M Shanahan, M Maniadakis & P Trahania, A Reservoir Computing Model of Episodic Memory Proceedings IJCNN 2016, pp. 5202-5209.
D Bhowmik & M Shanahan, STDP Produces Well Behaved Oscillations and Synchrony, Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (IV), pp. 241-252, 2015.
D Bhowmik & M Shanahan, How Well Do Oscillator Models Capture the Behaviour of Biological Neurons?, Proceedings IJCNN 2012, pp. 1-8.